Wiki Now

Some people get it, some don’t, but wikis are the simplest and the most efficient way to share knowledge within—and outside of—an organization. However, introducing a “new technology” into a corporate environment can be (and is) a hurdle. So, how can one go about introducing wikis into an office environment?

One way to do it, is to ask for a permission, make a presentation, do a study, allocate funds and resources, assign champions and a project manager, train everyone, etc. If it ever gets done—it will take months and a pile of money. The other way is to start small: spend $25 for required hardware (1GB USB stick), prepare the prototype in an hour, another five minutes for the installation. Your choice.

Here is the faster way:

  1. Prepare an USB stick (drive) as described in this article;
  2. Plug-in the USB stick into your office PC;
  3. Start the setup program;
  4. Start the control console;
  5. Start the Apache and the MySql from the console;
  6. Tell everyone in your work group (office) to point their browsers to: //Your_IP_Address/wiki
  7. Done, have fun.