Modifying reference limits

The QC report of the Data Pump SQL series, uses measurement limits from the [Limit] table. The table is also used as the reference for specification limits, enabling detection of “unauthorized” change of the limits on a machine.

As an example, to change limits for BearingForce for the ASI2353 database, run this on both—machine and office—servers. Note that these are style dependent, so include the proper StyleID.

USE ASI2353;
UPDATE dbo.[Limit] SET
    LSL = 400,
    USL = 1550,
    LRL = 50,
    URL = 20000
WHERE MeasName = 'BearingForce' AND StyleID = 3;

To list style data (ID, Name, etc) use:

USE ASI2353;
SELECT * FROM dbo.[Style];

To examine all the limits for all of the styles:

USE ASI2353;
SELECT a.[StyleID], s.[Name], a.[MeasName], a.[LSL],
       a.[USL], a.[LRL], a.[URL]
    FROM dbo.[Limit] AS a JOIN dbo.[Style] AS s 
        ON s.[ID] = a.[StyleID]
ORDER BY a.[StyleID], a.[MeasName];

See more about standard tables in the knowledge database.